No, Rain Shoe Covers Are Not Limited to Executives
What does the phrase ‘rain shoe covers’ cause you to think of? If you are like most people, images of the galoshes your parents made you wear to school are at the top of the list. They were generally a black rubber material and could be either slipped on or zipped up. Today, they are mainly associated with business executives, lawyers, and other high-powered professionals.
It turns out that modern shoe covers are not just for business executives anymore. Moreover, they may not even be basic black. You can still buy traditional galoshes and rain shoe covers from companies like GC Tech, but you can also buy rather unconventional shoe covers that look nothing like the galoshes your family attorney wears.
Shoe Covers for Cyclists
One very different type of shoe cover is made for cyclists. Now, you might think that cyclists would stay off the roads during inclement weather. But many do not. They continue riding through rain, sleet, and light snow. Those who do find that their shoes take a beating.
Sporting goods manufacturers make shoe covers designed specifically for them. They are skintight shoe covers that cover at least the shoe and ankle. Some even rise three or four inches above the ankle. They are tight so that they don’t interfere with peddling or cause unnecessary wind resistance. They are almost like a pair of tight-fitting gloves for the feet.
Don’t Forget the Bikers
Motorcycle owners are good candidates for shoe covers as well. However, shoe covers are not as popular with them because they tend to wear leather boots. Bikers who don’t drive Harley hogs and wear full leathers need a good pair of shoe covers to protect whatever they wear on the feet. And make no mistake about it, a biker’s shoes suffer unmerciful pounding on rainy days.
Shoe Covers in Multiple Colors
Plenty of people are interested in rain shoe covers but do not necessarily want to do basic black. They might not even like the look of galoshes designed to be worn over dress shoes. Instead, they want all-purpose shoe covers they can wear with all of their footwear. For many of them, color is a big thing.
Instead of basic black, they may opt for a bright green or yellow. Brighter colors make them easier to see on those dark, miserable days. Other people are more into fashion. They will choose a bold pink or sky blue just to make a statement. Translucent white shoe covers offer a more neutral look.
Some of the modern shoe covers look more like booties than anything else. They are quite rectangular in shape with very little definition. This is not just a style choice; it is actually functional. Designing shoe covers to be more like booties makes them more accommodating to a larger number of shoe styles.
Dress Shoes, Sneakers, and More
The thing about shoe covers is that they have to protect a wide range of shoes. Maybe you are a business professional and you wear only one style of shoe during the work week. But what about evenings and weekends? If your casual shoes are more bulky than your dress shoes, do your shoe covers work with them?
That is the whole point of making shoe covers that look more like booties. They absolutely will work with your dress shoes Monday through Friday. But they will also work with your sneakers on the weekends and those fashion boots you wear out and about with friends.
No, rain shoe covers are not just for executives. They are for everyone. Maybe that’s why they are enjoying a big comeback right now.
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